Resepi Bread Butter Puding dengan Sos Kastard BahanBahan (1 family) Bahan A 500ml susu segar/fresh milk 8 keping roti (saya guna roti gardenia) Bahan B 4 sdb gula halus (kalau suka manis lagi tambah lagi 1sdb) 2 sdb butter (cairkan diatas dapur sebentar dgn api yang kecil) 2 biji telur ayam (saya guna gred A) 1 sdb tepung jagung How to Store and Reheat Bread and butter pudding reheats well covered with aluminum foil in a hot oven It's also delicious cold, cut into large wedges It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days but is best eaten within two days To prevent it from drying out, cover it tightly with plastic wrap Method 1 Preheat oven to 160°C (140°C fanforced) Grease shallow 2litre (8cup) ovenproof dish 2 To make custard, combine the milk, cream, sugar and extract in a medium saucepan; Lemon And Craisin Bread Pudding Australian Women S Weekly Food Bread butter pudding resepi hairul